Monday, August 22, 2011


We have been looking for a new home. We had been renting a house for 2 yrs and needed to move. Not a big deal right, wrong. We have a large family and a very bad credit history. We have been speaking for the last 3 yrs that the Lord has a home for us here in our town that He is holding just for us. We were excited about moving into that home. Someplace where we could raise our children and enjoy our grand children. My family and I moved around alot when I was a child and I don't want that for my children. So anyway we have looked at a few homes but nothing really seemed quite right. Then we can across house "A" we liked house A, but it was listed for sale and the owners wanted to wait the summer and see if it sold. So we waited praying that this was the house, asking was this the house, why were we not finding anything else out there for rent/lease that would hold our family. Seeking Him, hearing nothing, prayerfully waiting for something, anything to happen with this house. Then just as we were getting the money together to put in another "bid" on house A it sold. Oh it was hard! But we knew that God held us in His hand and there was something else out there for us. Then comes along house "B". Everything that we had put down on a paper when we found out we needed to move. EVERYTHING. Hubby went to look at it, then we went back with our family. I loved the house, but didn't get our hopes up. Things were looking good, until the home owner ran our credit. The HO was confused, should she rent to us, our history doesn't look good. I mean who would rent to us in their right minds?!? But God has dealt with us about our financial past, we are not those people anymore. He has redeemed us, we are new in His mercies. So only God knows how this turns out, we are prayerfully waiting...