Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Redemption Update

Wow, I had forgotten that I had posted while we were waiting for a house.  Well let me update you on what happened.

So the Home Owner(HO) asked us to come back through with our family, and we did.  While we were there she was telling us all the amazing things that God was doing in her life, why she was moving, how, etc.  Is was AMAZING!  Every step I could see how God was orchestrating her steps.  She ask, how can I rent to you?  We had no words for her.  We would make the payments, our past isn't who we are. After all God had been talking about Redemption right?!?  Well we left still not knowing anything, feeling weirdly numb to the whole thing. Praying that we could just ride on the coattails of what He was doing in her life, I would take somebody's seconds, especially this one! Praying that God would move on our behalf, because we were about 3 weeks away from the kiddos starting school, and about a 25 min drive away from their school from  where we were staying with my mil.  Nothing....for about 2 1/2 weeks nothing.  So we made other plans, planning emails that would be sent to houses that has lease options in our area.  As we stood outside on Saturday morning, talking over wording with my mil, the HO send my hubby an email.  Do we still want the house?  Can we meet to sign the lease?  WHAT?!?!  God really?  With a sense that this wasn't really happening we drove to the house, met with the HO and signed the lease, handed over the agreed upon amount, and walked away with a house we could move into in 3 days, with only 6 days left before school started!  Stressed out!
But we have an amazing house that the Lord has blessed us with, and we are not going to ever forget what our Daddy has done for us!  This house has everything that we have prayed for, when we found out we needed to move, everything and more...